by Art Mukhari | Apr 9, 2024 | Entertainment
The fight for justice takes place in Netflix’s newest suspense thriller “Heart of the Hunter,” which premiered on the 29th of March worldwide. The film, directed by the incomparable Mandlakayise Walter Dube, is set in a post-democratic South Africa where...
by Men's Health | Sep 27, 2023 | Sex & Love
The Occasional conflict is a fact of life. Fighting, however, doesn’t have to be. Humans are bound to disagree, especially when difficult decisions are involved. Being able to navigate out of that conflict in a way that allows all parties to comfortably voice...
by Kieran Legg | May 9, 2023 | Gear-Tech
If you’re still relying on your TV’s built-in streaming platform, you could be missing out. Most of these baked-in offerings feel half-baked with the TV’s already overstretched specs struggling to serve up a smooth experience. Some will even crash frequently, leaving...