by Men's Health | Dec 17, 2024 | Workouts
Making merry can also mean manufacturing muscle—with the right moves. Perform the following exercises as a circuit, moving from one exercise to the next with 30 seconds of rest between them. When starting, complete 6 reps per exercise for your first circuit. Then try...
by Men's Health | Jun 25, 2024 | Workouts
Increase your strength and pack on lean mass (with all the bells and muscles) all over with this powerlifting-inspired workout from former Team USA powerlifting coach Mike Robertson. Directions: Replace one of your workouts each week with this routine...
by Mens Health | May 10, 2024 | Weight-Loss
When it comes to burning calories, most turn to cardio. And it makes sense: your tracker is constantly reminding you how much energy a few steps can burn, so why not ramp up those counts to turn up the torch. But if you want to lose weight and you’re overlooking...
by Men's Health | Aug 14, 2023 | Workouts
Build superhuman speed, power, strength and agility – with one elite rugby training plan. Block A: Power & Strength Perform all exercises once through as a superset.Repeat circuit once more (for a total of two sets). Rest 2 minutes then move onto Block B. 1....
by Men's Health | Jul 31, 2023 | Workouts
When it comes to back exercises, most men favour pull-ups and lat pull-downs. It’s no wonder, since these two movements primarily target the latissimus dorsi (aka lats), your largest back muscle. And that probably explains why the average guy’s back workout rarely...