Build superhuman speed, power, strength and agility – with one elite rugby training plan.
Block A: Power & Strength
Perform all exercises once through as a superset.
Repeat circuit once more (for a total of two sets). Rest 2 minutes then move onto Block B.
1. Back Squat
Repetitions: 8, 6
Intensity: 80% of max
How: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and the barbell on your shoulders behind your head. Aim for 80% of your max. Lower down slowly into a full squat (below 90 degrees), then press explosively up, back to the start. Don’t round your back or lift your heels.
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2. Box Jumps
Repetitions: 6, 6
Intensity: body weight
How: Find a box or raised platform that is at least 90cm high. Stand in front of it and jump up onto it by driving through your heels in an explosive jump. Land softly on both feet and bend your knees slightly to cushion the impact. Stand up fully before stepping down to the next rep.
3. Flat Bench Press
Repetitions: 8, 6
Intensity: 75 to 80% of max
How: Load a barbell with 75 to 80% of your max and find a flat bench. Slowly lower the weight towards your chest, and once it touches, press it explosively back towards the start. That’s one rep. Keep your feet flat on the floor for the whole exercise.
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Block B: Power & Strength
Perform all exercises once through as a superset.
Repeat circuit once more (for a total of two sets). Rest 2 minutes then move onto Block C.
1. Front Squat
Repetitions: 6, 6
Intensity: 80% of max
How: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and the barbell in the front rank position. Aim for 80% of your max. Lower down slowly into a full squat (below 90 degrees), then press explosively up, back to the start. Don’t lean forwards or lift your heels.
2. Dumbbell Step-Up & Knee Drive
Repetitions: 6, 6
Intensity: 60% of max – fast drive
How: Hold a dumbbell in each hand (roughly 60% of your max) and find a step or raised platform. Step explosively up onto the platform and drive the knee of your opposite leg upwards. This needs to be done as a fast, powerful movement. Step down, then do the opposite side.
3. Single-Arm Stability Ball Chest Press
Repetitions: 8, 6
Intensity: 75 to 80% of max
How: Lie with your back on a stability ball with your feet flat on the floor and a dumbbell in one hand, at roughly 75 to 80% of your max. Follow the same technique as the bench press, but use your core to stay stable. Swop arms after you’ve done all the reps.
Block C: Power & Strength
Perform all exercises once through as a superset.
Repeat circuit once more (for a total of two sets). Rest 2 minutes then move onto Block D.
1. Power Cleans
Repetitions: 6, 6
Intensity: 60% of max – fast
How: Load a barbell with 60% of your max, starting with it on the ground. Lift the weight upwards and once it reaches past your knees, drive it off your quads and get underneath the bar by bending at the knees and by rotating your hands. Stand upright to finish.
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2. Barbell Push Press
Repetitions: 6, 6
Intensity: 60% of max – fast
How: Load a barbell with 60% of your max and hold it across your shoulders in a front rank position. Press the weight up explosively while lowering yourself into a partial squat. This helps you get under the bar quicker so you can straighten your arms and help with the press movement.
3. Barbell Rows
Repetitions: 8, 6
Intensity: 80% of max
How: Stand with your torso bent forwards at the hip, holding the barbell directly below your sternum with straight arms. Pull it towards your torso, making sure that your elbows stay tucked in throughout the movement. Once it touches your chest, lower back down to the start.
Block D: Power & Strength
Perform all exercises once through as a superset.
Repeat circuit once more (for a total of two sets). Rest 5 minutes then move onto Block E (Conditioning & Core).
1. Deadlift
Repetitions: 6, 4
Intensity: 80%+ of max
How: Start with a loaded barbell at your feet (80% of your max). While maintaining a neutral back and straight arms at the bottom of the lift, pull the barbell up towards the ceiling. Once it reaches your hips and you’re standing upright, that’s one rep. Lower it slowly back down to the start.
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2. Standing Dumbbell Press (Strict)
Repetitions: 6, 6
Intensity: 80% of max
How: Hold a dumbbell in each hand (80% of your max) just above your shoulders with your elbows at 90 degrees. While keeping your legs and torso straight, press the weight overhead so that your arms end up straight and parallel. This needs to be done without any squatting or leg movement.
3. Pull-Ups
Repetitions: max, max
Intensity: body weight
How: Using an overhand grip, place your hands wider than shoulder-width apart on the pull-up bar. Start from a hanging position and pull yourself up so that your chin reaches over the bar. That’s one rep. Lower back to the start so that you have straight arms again. These are strict pull-ups, so don’t swing or use a kip.
Block E: Conditioning & Core
Complete as a circuit doing exercises 1 – 4 in given sequence.
Rest 60 – 90 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 circuits.
1. Farmer’s Walk
Repetitions: 10m walk x 4
Intensity: As heavy as you can carry with good form over 40m
How: Find two kettlebells or dumbbells as heavy as you can manage while doing this exercise safely and with the correct form. Walk upright, with straight arms. Land your heel first while walking and don’t turn suddenly to avoid injury.
2. Prowler Sled Shuttles
Repetitions: 10m explosive drive x 4
Intensity: Add a load that allows you to maintain good leg speed
How: Add weight onto the sled so that it’s challenging, but not so much that it slows down your pace and explosive leg speed. Drive hard with your legs, lifting your knees and pressing down through your soles. If you don’t have a sled ,do a 250m rowing sprint with a target of staying under 50 seconds for each row.
3. Push-Ups & Burpee Combo
Repetitions: 2 explosive push-ups into a burpee jump x 3
Intensity: Maximum explosion on the push-ups and maximum height on the burped jumps
How: Do your two push-ups with your elbows tucked in and your torso in a straight line. Then bring your feet forwards so you can jump upwards and clap your hands above your head. That’s one round of the push-ups and burpee combo.
4. Barbell Roll-Outs, Double Knee-Pull Crunch And Bridge Combo
Repetitions: 6 roll-outs, 10 double knee-pull crunches, 30-second bridge
Intensity: Keep good form and control
How: For a serious core workout, start by finding yourself a barbell and then sit down on your knees. Roll forwards with a shoulder-width grip on the barbell, keeping your arms as straight as possible. After 6 rollouts, turn over onto your back and do 10 double knee-pull crunches. Your elbows should be brought forwards to meet your knees being pulled inwards. After that, hold the bridge position for 30 seconds. Maintain a straight line (don’t let you hips sag or lift).