by Men's Health | Mar 15, 2023 | Sex & Love
It’s said that an avalanche of hypersexual media is making us more visually orientated. That’s debatable, of course, but it does make sense that we’re becoming more voyeuristic, even in our own bedrooms. If you can fantasize about something, somewhere on the...
by Men's Health | Feb 15, 2023 | Sex & Love
Sex in the shower kills two birds with one stone, it gives you pleasure and you can get clean immediately after. After a few too many, it seems like a great idea. Here, sex therapist, Dr Marianne Brandon shows you how to handle shower sex. READ MORE: The...
by Mens Health | Nov 2, 2016 | Health
Your whole world changes when you subject yourself to the icy spray My best thinking happens in the shower. Whenever I have to do something mentally taxing, I always take a long, ponderous shower before I get started. I would have done so before sitting down to write...