by Men's Health | Feb 9, 2024 | Sex & Love
If your wife or girlfriend is on the Pill, it’s possible that you don’t know all that much about it. You know she takes it, and it seems to work—I mean, she hasn’t gotten pregnant, so that’s a good sign. What else is there to know, right? The Pill isn’t just about her...
by Men's Health | Jun 6, 2023 | Sex & Love
To add a little spice and excitement to your intimate moments, here are some recommended sexual positions that can be explored without the need for extensive physical preparation, although some may require a moderate level of fitness. Note that these positions are...
by Men's Health | Mar 28, 2023 | Sex & Love
Ever wonder about going vegan? The animal-free vegan diet has become a more natural, healthy diet for some people who either have food intolerances to dairy or who firmly believe in environmental issues and animal rights. While living on a diet that consists of mainly...
by Mens Health | Feb 22, 2018 | Health
“Your penis is a great barometer of overall health,” says Kevin Billups, M.D., an associate professor of urology at Johns Hopkins Medicine. That’s right: Your ding dong is also a bellwether for sickness. Heed its warning, and you just might avoid...