by Men's Health | Mar 5, 2024 | Recipes
There’s no arguing that sufficient protein is required to build muscle. Protein shakes can help boost your intake, but those chalky water-and-powder concoctions get less and less appetising the more you have. By adding a few simple...
by Mens Health | Mar 28, 2018 | Nutrition
Making your protein shake thicker can trick your brain into keeping you full for longer, Dutch research suggests. Researchers had 15 men try two different shakes, both on an empty stomach on different days. One shake was 100 calories and thick like pudding while...
by Mens Health | Oct 18, 2016 | Health
Should you be taking a protein shake? Get supplement savvy. Before you buy that massive tub of powdered muscle, ask yourself these two questions: “What do I need?” and “What can I afford?” Next step: make sure you run it past your doctor. Only then can you start...