Six Secrets For Stronger Knees

Six Secrets For Stronger Knees

The possibility that I may need a total knee replacement within the next 15 years motivated me to investigate how to prevent or slow down the development of this crippling condition. My search led to the following six secrets to help maintain the shelf life of our...
Bulletproof Your Knees With This Game-Changing Tip

Bulletproof Your Knees With This Game-Changing Tip

Increase your lower-body power and stability with this tiny tweak to the stepup The stepup is an excellent exercise for adding muscle to the hips and thighs and developing stability throughout the lower body. It can even help lower your risk for a knee injury. And...
BUSTED: Does Running Hurt Your Knees In The Long Run?

BUSTED: Does Running Hurt Your Knees In The Long Run?

One researcher believes pounding the pavement may not put your knees at risk like previously thought Ever been told that all those miles running will mess up your knees when you’re older? Running is no more likely to cause knee problems than walking, reports new...

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