Channel Your Inner Narcissist to Ace That Job Interview

Channel Your Inner Narcissist to Ace That Job Interview

Modesty is overrated, at least during a job interview. A new study found that people with narcissistic tendencies were more likely to be hired when compared to peers with equally qualified candidates. Narcisim, which according to the Oxford dictionary is “an...
Nail That Job Interview

Nail That Job Interview

When employers give you the once-over, make sure they see hiring material In this competitive job market, you need more than a sharp suit and a killer CV to gain an edge. “It’s all about the first 30 seconds, so make eye contact and make a statement. “When it comes...
When It Doesn’t Help To Be Hot

When It Doesn’t Help To Be Hot

According to new research in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin good looks may hamper your ability to get hired. In a series of three studies using simulated interviews, researchers in Germany and the U.S. analyzed the extent to which gender,...

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