by Mens Health | Mar 2, 2018 | Sex & Love
Having great questions ready for every date can help her open up—and maybe get her laughing. Sharing intimate details—and laughter—can help you spark a connection, research finds. One smart line of inquiry: Ask about her job. “People love knowing that you take their...
by Mens Health | Feb 22, 2018 | Sex & Love
Going on a first date can feel like walking a tightrope: You’re trying to impress her without coming on too strong—or worse, looking desperate. As a result, lots of guys wind up making the same mistakes. A new survey by activity-planning site Vimbly identified the top...
by Mens Health | Apr 16, 2013 | Sex & Love
A woman’s sexual fantasies tend to be recurring and are often triggered by someone she knows, according to a new study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. One popular theme: “most women reported fantasies in which their partner was so turned on he had to...