7 Ways to Boost Your Energy Without Caffeine

7 Ways to Boost Your Energy Without Caffeine

Try these natural, science-backed methods to rise and shine when your fourth cup isn’t cutting it—or if you just want to try a chemical-free high. 1. Rock Out On Your Morning Commute Belting out your favourite song gives you a lift, according to a study in the Journal...
Overdosed on Coffee? Here’s What To Do

Overdosed on Coffee? Here’s What To Do

You’re a dozen exclamation points into an email when you realise that triple shot of coffee was maybe a mistake. Your hands shake as you wipe sweat off your face. You’re officially buzzed—and not in a good way. The good news is that mild caffeine over-indulgences...
10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Coffee Every Day

10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Coffee Every Day

Coffee is to man as the early worm is to the bird—a staple start to the day, that for many of us, makes those torrid AM hours somehow more bearable. But java has benefits outside of the quick boost of energy. Here’s why you should drink more Joe for your health...

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