5 Ways To Slow Down Your Ageing

5 Ways To Slow Down Your Ageing

You can’t turn back time, but you can protect your body against it. Conquer the early-warning signs of ageing and you’ll stay at your physical peak for longer. There’s lots of ways to take care of your body and slow down your ageing. Here’s what you...
Study Finds Soccer Might Be The Key To Staying Young

Study Finds Soccer Might Be The Key To Staying Young

It’s never too late to start playing soccer and reap the health benefits, according to a new study. Researchers from Denmark monitored a group of men aged between 63 and 75, who took up soccer for the first time and looked at the effect playing soccer had on their...
5 Scary Things That Happen To Your Penis When You Age

5 Scary Things That Happen To Your Penis When You Age

You may be healthy and active, but that doesn’t mean your penis won’t be experiencing these insane changes as you get older. This is not a story about potential risks or any of these crazy penis conditions that happen when, say, you “accidentally” put your dong in a...

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