I’m 35 And My Orgasms Seem Less Intense. Can I Reverse This?

by | Oct 4, 2017 | Sex & Love

As a man ages, he gradually begins to lose smooth-muscle sensitivity in his penis, a process that can affect ejaculation. And while this can certainly hinder orgasm intensity, it’s more of a problem for men 50 or older. “A 35-year old man should still have strong orgasms – so if there’s a problem, head to your physician asap as it could indicate an underlying health issue,” says Dr Steven Lamm, a professor of medicine at New York University and author of The Hardness Factor.

There could be a number of causes, including a new medication (such as the popular hair-loss treatment Propecia), too much booze (some-thing that’s easy enough for you to remedy) or too little testosterone.

If your doctor rules out these and other possible causes, start employing this variation on the stop-start technique: before you reach the point of no return, stop thrusting, pull out and ask your partner to gently squeeze the head of your penis. Wait a minute or two until you’ve cooled down, then rev your engine again. Have her hit pause once more. When you finally ejaculate, it should be significantly more intense from all the anticipation.

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