Will You Go Grey?

by | Aug 3, 2012 | Style & Grooming

L’Oreal Research and Innovation Center in France evaluated hair color of over 4,100 men and women to validate the 50/50/50 rule of grey hair which is “at age 50, 50% of the population has at least 50% grey hair.”

Fortunately the evaluations did not conform to the old wives’ tales.

Seventy-four percent of people ages 45 to 65 were disturbed about their grey hair, however the average penetration of grey hair to natural hair pigment was just 27%.

From the study it was concluded that at age 50 only 6-23% of the global population had more than half a head of grey hair.

Who were the most likely to be grey?

Not necessarily mothers of unruly children.

Men more than women and Caucasians over African and Asian cultural backgrounds were more prone to the loss of natural hair color pigments.

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