Try This Ultimate Detox Drink Designed Specifically For Festive Season Over-Indulgence

by | Dec 19, 2017 | Nutrition, Recipes

It’s time to reverse the damage done over the festive season with this purifying shot; unlike the shots you’ve been putting back for the last few weeks. Below is the recipe for a month’s supply, to kick start your year the right way and the reason each and every ingredient plays a vital role in saving your from your festive season sins:

Kidney filter – Kelp Powder

Alcohol can cause high blood pressure, which in turn can lead to kidney failure. Men sink 41% more alcohol over Christmas than usual and this hinders our kidneys’ ability to remove toxins. “ Kelp encourages the body to draw more urine from the kidneys and remove harmful chemicals,” says nutritionist Jenny Tschiesche.

Related: Is Drinking Every Day, Even a Little Bit, Going to Turn You Into an Alcoholic?

Skin Refresher – Green Chilli

“Vitamin C, needed to produce collagen for healthy skin, tends to be lower as your five-a-day gives way to a Quality Street overdose,” says Tschiesche. This causes bags and blotches in your skin tone – and chocolate orange won’t cut it. “Chilli contains more vitamin C than any other food, with 404% of your RDA per 100g.”

Related: How to Detox Your Skin After Overdoing the Alcohol, Sweets, or Salt

Heart Healer – Orange Zest

Our festive gluttony makes you wonder if the economic downturn even exists. “A typical Christmas Day can lead to an intake of 25 104kJ,” explains Tchiesche. “Orange zest is a good source of hesperidin, which helps reduce the heart disease caused by gorging.” A study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found men who consumed hesperidin for a month lowered their blood pressure, too, which can spike during December.

Related: 5 Surprising Food Combinations That Could Prevent Cancer, A Heart Attack & Other Health Risks

Immunity Booster – V8 Vegetable Juice

“Over the festive period you’re likely to be in contact with lots of people, so illnesses spread quicker,” says Tschiesche. Scientists in Germany found that edlerberries increase your production of the protein cytokine, which bolsters your immune system – helping kill off any unwanted bugs you’ve been gifted by your loved ones.

Liver Cleanser – Grated Root Ginger

With hindsight and sobriety comes the realisation that you might have overdone it with the brandy – and overburdened your liver in the process. This ingredient is the boost it needs to remove the toxins left by those excess tipples. “The ginger directly reverses the damage to liver cells,” says Tschiesche. For the most potent variety, look for thicker, browner-skinned ginger.

Related: Your Liver Might Be In Trouble – Here’s How To Take Care Of It

Prep your shot

For total body restoration, drink 25ml five times a week for four weeks. This recipe will make a month’s supply in one go, so freeze portions in an ice-cube tray until required.


2½ green chillies, chopped
3½ tbsp ginger, grated
Zest of 2 large oranges
3 tbsp kelp powder
450ml elderberry juice


Put all the ingredients in a blender and blitz thoroughly until completely smooth

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