The Month of Movember

by | Nov 3, 2014 | Style & Grooming

It is that time of the year again where men all around the world celebrate their right to grow out their moustaches without being seen as a creep. The month of Movember is bringing back the moustache in order to change the way people think about men’s health. 57.7 years is the age of the average life expectancy for South African men, which is almost 4 years less than women. Around 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with cancer during their lives. Around 40% of men in the country have been reported as being overweight and obese in 2013. What Movember is doing is creating awareness about these dangers that face the health of men especially that of cancer. Prostate cancer is known to be the most common for men in South Africa.

So why grow out the stache?

The reasons why men’s health issues are not addressed with importance can be due to the lack of awareness and understanding around it. Men are also less inclined to openly discuss their problems around their health and therefore are more reluctant to take action.

The Movember Foundation has taken it upon themselves to improve the lives of men around the world. By using the moustache as the catalyst behind it all the ideas they have are about bringing change, giving opportunities and confidence to men in order to learn, talk and face their health problems head-on whilst taking action against it.

Visit the Movember Foundation site to get involved in the various ways of supporting this noble cause. Not only by growing your stache will you be a billboard promoting men’s health but you can also donate money and have fun by supporting awesome events from parties to galas all for a good cause.

In celebrating the month of Movember, here are the 10 Best Moustaches Ever and the most famous Movie Star Moustaches. If you are shaving off the beard to get your stache on here are 4 Shaving Techniques that you need to know.

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