The Best Products For Whiter Teeth

by | Apr 21, 2014 | Style & Grooming

The answer to whiter teeth may be in what you put in your body. Stand out from the crowd with a megawatt smile. Your teeth are one of the first thing people 
notice when you smile. So ask yourself three questions: how bad do they look, how quickly do you want them fixed and how much are you willing to spend? “Any food or drink that stains a white shirt will stain your teeth if consumed in big quantities says IVO Health Oral Hygiene Advisor, Dirna Grobbelaar. Here’s how to keep your pearly whites toothpaste advert material.

Related: Detox Skin After Overdoing It On Sugar, Alcohol or Salt

The whiter teeth diet

The dark pigments in coffee, wine and fruit juice can discolour your teeth, but Dr Jonathan B. Levine, director for continuing education in aesthetic dentistry at NYU says you can defend yourself in three ways.

1.] Eat crunchy produce:

The fibrous flesh acts like a high-grit scrub brush. “Foods that require a lot of chewing, like apples, celery and carrots, whiten teeth naturally because they’re like stain exfoliants,” he says.

2.] Eat greens:

“Foods like spinach, broccoli and lettuce contain mineral compounds that create a film over your teeth that acts as a barrier.”

3.] Drink water:

Chase a few sips of coffee with a vigorous swish to prevent dark pigments from lingering, Levine says.


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