by Mens Health | Oct 11, 2016 | Fitness, Weight-Loss
Summer bodies are made in winter, but most of only realise this when the warmer seasons come around and our beach abs aren’t exactly there yet. Here at Men’s Health, we’ve collaborated with MH Cover Guy and trainer Trevor Lagerwey to put together...
by Mens Health | Sep 16, 2014 | Style & Grooming
Fashion is something so ridiculous that it needs to change every six months. To prove this we got South African men in the street to try and pronounce a list of fashion designer’s names. For more on our annual Menswear event click this, and see why style is...
by Mens Health | Aug 11, 2014 | Life
The jokes on Savanna’s TV commercials are dry, but the hilarious gags at Savanna’s Comic’s Choice Awards at Monte Casino were far from it. Like when Corné and Twakkie came on stage dressed as zombies who were ‘turned’ because of years of working at the SABC, or...
by Mens Health | Jun 26, 2014 | Nutrition, Recipes
Okay so you’ve just watch Oliver Cattermole, from the Mondiall Kitchen & Bar, make his famous crayfish cakes. It looks easy because it is. Crayfish Cakes with Pea Purée and Ham Tartare (Serves 4) INGREDIENTS 1/ For the
crayfish 5 medium potatoes, peeled and...