by Mens Health | Mar 9, 2016 | Life
Save a Choking Dinner Guest! You’ve grilled a killer steak, and you’re sitting down to chow when one of your mates starts choking. Is it your secret sauce… or is it a medical emergency? BE A HERO “If he starts gagging immediately after he takes a bite, there’s...
by Mens Health | May 15, 2014 | Life
The first photos from the new Batman movie were recently released. The movie, set to hit cinemas in May 2016, is said to be called something along the lines of “Batman versus Superman,” it features Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman. Even though...
by Mens Health | Aug 31, 2011 | Fitness
Chris Hemsworth first pushed his limits at age seven, while living in an Aboriginal community in the bush north of Melbourne, Australia. He was the rare white child, there because his parents herded buffalo and ran the local food store, which doubled as the post...