by Men's Health | Dec 17, 2024 | Workouts
Making merry can also mean manufacturing muscle—with the right moves. Perform the following exercises as a circuit, moving from one exercise to the next with 30 seconds of rest between them. When starting, complete 6 reps per exercise for your first circuit. Then try...
by Men's Health | Mar 21, 2023 | Fitness, Workouts
In our quest to unearth those coveted abs, many of us start to overthink things. That’s when the ab wheels make a surprise appearance, or bizarre kitchen hacks turn your meal plan into a monstrosity. Scrap that; it’s time to get back to the basics. READ...
by Mens Health | Sep 14, 2022 | Fitness, Travel, Workouts
Using an excuse to miss a workout, because of “no equipment” is lame, even if you’re on the road—and even if you don’t have access to a hotel gym. After all, most guys already travel with the perfect muscle builder stowed neatly in the trunk or overhead bin. “A...
by Mens Health | Jan 25, 2019 | Fitness
Want to find out if you’re MH Fit? Try our Friday Fitness test. Take The Test
PURPOSE: Define strength in relation to bodyweight. EQUIPMENT: Olympic barbell, plates, squat rack. GOAL: The heaviest 3 squat reps with good form. Related: The Back Test To See...
by Mens Health | Oct 19, 2017 | Fitness
Just a few years ago, fitness experts were telling people that deep squatting was dangerous. This despite the fact that entire cultures of people – see India and China, for instance – actually relax while in a deep squat. Yes, people in those countries have been known...