7 Sex Positions You Need To Try Now

7 Sex Positions You Need To Try Now

To add a little spice and excitement to your intimate moments, here are some recommended sexual positions that can be explored without the need for extensive physical preparation, although some may require a moderate level of fitness. Note that these positions are...
6 Ways She’s Judging You On The First Date

6 Ways She’s Judging You On The First Date

A match.com poll asked about men’s most toxic first-date fails – and women had plenty to share. Avoid these six things if you want to make it to the second date. 1. Phoning it in For 75% of women, Fixating on your phone on a first-date is a top turnoff, thats...
The 7 Sexiest Things to Do with Your Hands

The 7 Sexiest Things to Do with Your Hands

Remember when you felt sexually advanced if you’d reached second base? Well, it’s time to bring your hands back into the bedroom—and not just as a tool for getting your girlfriend off. “Hands can add so much creativity to sensuality,” says Dr...

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