by Mens Health | Jun 6, 2017 | Life
The average married father spends about seven hours a week caring for his kids, according to research from the University of Maryland. That’s a sliver of time that can quickly disappear into work emails or Game of Thrones. So the last thing you need is a...
by Mens Health | Dec 13, 2016 | Nutrition
Designed by Freepik Growing up, every Sunday night was the same for me. I’d spend it playing outside with my brother and cousins, while the aroma of simmered garlic, tomatoes, and olive oil wafting out from my Grandma’s kitchen. She was making Sunday “gravy,” and just...
by Mens Health | Jan 23, 2015 | Life
What makes a successful parent? I thought it would be simple: I’d imagine what my parents might have done and do the opposite. It doesn’t work, but if you have kids, you know that. Parenting, I’ve found, is like that Kobayashi Maru test in Star Trek: a no-win...
by Mens Health | Jul 14, 2014 | Life
No, employers don’t check your old school reports. But marks do matter. According to the authors of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation book Crossing the Finish Line, academic success is largely a reflection of character strength. “Traits like grit and curiosity translate...
by Mens Health | Aug 1, 2013 | Life
Transform your lounge into a playground that will provide an afternoon of intertainment Roll out the blueprints Planning extends the fun: buy a roll of brown paper and coloured pencils from an art store and have your kids sketch out how the fort should look. Place the...