Your Guide To (Almost Painless) Manscaping

Your Guide To (Almost Painless) Manscaping

If you believe it’s just cyclists, swimmers and Instagram influencers who take a shaver to their body fuzz, think again. When it comes to hair below the neckline, research conducted by VSforMen found that 70% of Australian Millennials and Gen X women prefer guys...
Here’s Why You Should Shave Your Armpits

Here’s Why You Should Shave Your Armpits

Spring/Summer is almost here and the best time of the year to cut your hair short and shave your beard. But what about those wild hairs poking out from your armpits? Spring/Summer means tank top season, so you might notice your armpit hair is more on display than...
Effective Ways to Tackle a Receding Hairline

Effective Ways to Tackle a Receding Hairline

For the modern man, no grooming affliction is more visceral than the slow retreat of a receding hairline. It’s an experience shared by many. Two-thirds of all men will be affected by male pattern baldness at some point in their lives. According to national charity The...

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