Master Instagram in a Snap

Master Instagram in a Snap

In world filled with likes, captions and hashtags, everybody wants there shot at Insta-fame. And it might be easier than you think. Here’s a few simple ways to master the Gram 1. Shoot To Thrill “The whole point is to post pictures that pose questions and...
FOUND: The Secret To Your Best Bench Press!

FOUND: The Secret To Your Best Bench Press!

Talk to a lifter with shoulder discomfort and he’ll likely blame the barbell bench press. With 4 simple changes to your form, you’ll spare your shoulders and push your lifts into PR territory, says Eric Cressey of Cressey Sports Performance. 1/Engage Your Legs...
Kick Starters

Kick Starters

 can wear them with just about anything,”
says Elliott Curtis, a cofounder of Sneakerology 101, the first accredited university course on sneaker culture, at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania. So listen to the experts: It’s time to raise your footwear...
How To Upgrade Your Power Lifts

How To Upgrade Your Power Lifts

Upgrade your three power lifts with expert advice 
and assistance work (below) from the man himself. 
“But don’t forget to keep doing the classics,” says Walker; what he refers to as the “meat and potato exercises”: 
the three powerlifts and the other compound moves...

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