by Mens Health | Oct 22, 2022 | Nutrition
Thinking about trying creatine? This is what you need to know: think of creatine as muscle medicine—the extra strength formula.When you supplement your diet with this amino acid, you spur the production of proteins your body uses to weave muscle fibres, says Dr...
by Mens Health | Oct 18, 2017 | Fitness
Nobody should put anything in their body without weighing the benefits and risks first. That goes for everything, from beer to marshmallows, to the amazing amino acid called creatine. But not to worry – it’s nothing you should be scared of. Here’s...
by Mens Health | Feb 25, 2015 | Nutrition
They’re the giants of the fitness world, but getting to hulk level takes a lot of discipline as well as training. Theses are the three rules that bodybuilders use when it comes to shovelling down their food for gains. Related: The New Rules Of Bodybuilding Never...
by Mens Health | Aug 13, 2014 | Nutrition
If muscles were made from chips and beer, we’d look huge. But they aren’t, and we don’t—unless you count that sack o’ fat up front and dead centre. If not Doritos and double bock, then what? We decided to delve deep into the human anatomy to...