Do you ever have that feeling that you’re forgetting something but you don’t know what it is? Or do you not recall having those moments either? If so, you might need to make slight changes to your lifestyle. Don’t worry, these tips aren;t that hard to remember.
Eat Fruit And Vegetables Every Day
Steam veggies lightly to retain nutrients and choose organic produce whenever you can to avoid taking in pesticides, which are linked to memory decline, says Patrick Holford, author of New Optimum Nutrition Bible.
Have Breakfast
Even if it’s just a handful of raw almonds and an apple. (The protein in the nuts will keep you going for hours.) Lack of food causes blood-sugar levels to drop, leaving the brain deprived of the fuel it needs to operate.
Related: Here’s Exactly What To Eat On Your Rest Day To Recover Faster
Get Enough Sleep, Exercise And Fresh Air
Too much adrenaline and caffeine leads to adrenal fatigue, which in turn leads to anxiety, low mood and memory loss,” says Dr Duncan Carmichael, whose special interest is hormone balancing and detoxification.
Cut Out Caffeine
People can improve memory dramatically by following a three month programme: cut out caffeine, including cola and popular energy drinks; reduce stress; introduce daily periods of rest, meditation and exercise; and take fish oils, a vitamin-B complex, zinc and magnesium.
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Stretch Your Brain
“Your body may be fit, but you also need to stretch your brain,” says Carmichael. So switch off the TV and take up a mentally demanding sport, learn a second language, read, play a musical instrument or do puzzles.
Cut Down On The Drink
Sorry, but booze blunts memory. If you knock back a couple of beers a few times a week, you’re setting yourself up for memory loss, says Cathryn Ramin, author of Carved In Sand, a book on memory failure. “You can access old stuff, so you’re perfectly capable of dredging up some old grudge and starting an argument. But you can’t get a grip on current activities, because the hippocampus, dulled by the booze, is out of the game,” she says. People who smoke as well as drink are vulnerable to frontal-lobe damage too.
Related: Social Drinking: Does Alcohol Really Make Us More Social?