Do You Have What It Takes To Be a Stuntman?

by | Oct 21, 2015 | Fitness

Evil Knievel, Jackie Chan or Colin Follenweider who has been in most of the major action movies like Die Hard, X- Men, Iron Man, Avatar, Transformers, and Spider-Man. You’ve also seen him in films such as Divergent, Brutal, To Have and to Hold, Ender’s Game, Gangster Squad, Savages, Captain America: The First Avenger and The Green Hornet; and that’s not even close to everything he has been in.

Not forgetting Bobby Holland Hanton, who has stunt-doubled in many well-known roles such as Christian Bale’s Batman, Daniel Craig’s James Bond, and Chris Hemsworth’s Thor, it is easy to see why he is one of Hollywood’s most-wanted stuntmen.

Doing stunts is probably the most dangerous job in Hollywood, where insanity is a requirement, as several top performers with the Stuntmen’s Association of Motion Pictures say that “a professional daredevil must be comfortable falling at least 50 feet from a window, driving a slalom course (zigzag between obstacles) at 64 km per hour in reverse, and enduring at least 50 punches in a three-minute stimulated brawl”.

However that is the work of an advanced stuntman, but if you think you have the basic insanity and fitness level to join the league of daredevils; then you should try and hit these benchmarks set by Eddie Fernandez, who is one of Hollywood’s top fall guys.

Brace yourself, as you need to be able to:

30 is the number of seconds to hold your breath while thrashing under water.

150 total punches thrown into a punching bag in three minutes.

13km per hour, is the pace to maintain while running eight kilometres.

Alice Paulse

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