Build Bigger Arms. On The Weekend. And Still Have Energy To Go Out.

by | Oct 7, 2016 | Fitness

Continue your strength and size gain with these additional barbell exercises.

1. Overhand Wrist Curls With EZ Bar – Kneel next to a bench and rest your forearms on it while holding an EZ bar with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart (A). Keep your forearms locked and cock your wrists (knuckles facing down) to start. Then raise the EZ bar up and towards your body (B). Pause, then return to the start.


2. Barbell Curl With Wide Overhead Grip – As per exercise 8, hold the barbell in a wide, overhand grip (A, wider than your shoulders). Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and bring the bar towards your shoulders (B). Pause at the top, then return slowly to the start position.


3. Underhand Wrist Curls With EZ Bar – The inverse of no. 9, this time hold the bar with an underhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart. Keep forearms locked on bench and cock your wrists downwards (A, knuckles facing down). Then raise the EZ bar up and towards your body (B). Pause, then return to the start.


4. Biceps Curls With Narrow Underhand Grip – Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your knees bent slightly, while holding the bar close to your body with a narrow, underhand grip (A). Without moving your upper arms, bend the elbows and bring the bar towards your chin while keeping your palms facing away (B). Pause, then return to the start.


5. Barbell Shoulder Presses – Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your knees bent slightly, holding the bar at shoulder-height in front of you (A). Keeping your back straight and your core contracted, press the bar explosively (but with control) straight upwards until your arms are fully extended (B). Pause, then return to the start position.


6. Barbell Curl With Overhand Grip – Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold the bar in a overhand grip (A, palms facing your body). Without moving your upper arms, bend at your elbows and bring the bar towards your shoulders (B). Pause at the top, but then return slowly to the start position.


7. Barbell Curl With Underhand Grip – With your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent, hold the bar in an underhand grip (A, palms facing away from your body). Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and bring the bar towards your shoulders (B). Pause at the top, then return slowly to the starting position.


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