Struggling to recapture the youthful complexion of your earlier years is a fool’s errand. The smarter move is to work with your skin to realise the healthiest-looking version of you. No matter what decade of life you’re in, we’ve got the best men’s skincare routine for your age.
Men hit the jackpot when it comes to ageing. Compared with women, we have a thicker epidermis with more oil glands, which means our skin is durable. Then, when wrinkles do emerge, they supposedly give us ruggedness and wisdom. All that said, most of us have had a “damn, I look old” moment after a rough week or poor night’s sleep. Reframe that thinking.
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“Getting older is a blessing we take for granted,” says Dr Paul Jarrod Frank, a cosmetic dermatologist and the author of The Pro-Aging Playbook. “Anti-ageing makes it seem like getting older is a bad thing. Pro-ageing is about perspective.”
That means giving your skin what it needs now to avoid the need for more intensive treatments later. Think of this approach as an exercise routine for your integumentary system (that’s your hair, skin, nails and glands). Good habits keep you healthy in the long run. Here are the best ways to build them, with only the necessary amount of hassle. Stress, after all, ages you.
The Best Men’s Skincare Routine For Your Age
In Your 20s
If You Use One Product, Make It: Retinol
This derivative of vitamin A helps to regulate the turnover of cells, which targets almost every skin issue. “Not only does it help to start the process of saving collagen and helping control acne breakouts and keep your skin even, but it also sets you up for preventing wrinkles in the future,” says dermatologist Dr. Corey Hartman.
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If You Seek out One Treatment, Try: Radio-Frequency Microneedling
This dermatologist-provided process combines heat with tiny needles that create micro-injuries in your skin. Sure, it might sound scary, but it’s beneficial. Microneedling helps your skin regenerate, says Hartman. The treatment is especially effective at removing acne scars if you’re coming off years of teenage pimple popping.
Dr. Frank’s Pro-Ageing Tip
“If you can introduce a habit in your twenties, you have a much better chance of sticking to it. Choose one thing: a good moisturiser or daily sunscreen. It doesn’t matter what it is; it’s about forming a good habit.”
In Your 30s
If You Use One Product, Make It: Antioxidant Serum
“Collagen production takes a nosedive in your thirties and the effects of the sun start to become apparent,” says Hartman. Applying an antioxidant-rich serum or cream in the morning protects you. A product with vitamin C, vitamin E and/or niacinamide helps prevent sagging, sun damage and pigment issues.
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If You Seek out One Treatment, Try: Botox
“A touch of a neuro-modulator such as Botox in your thirties can help prevent fine lines and wrinkles, like crow’s feet, from getting etched in,” says Hartman. Small amounts of Botox won’t completely block wrinkles, but they will prevent them from setting in deep. If you’re ready, ask your dermatologist for a consultation.
Dr. Frank’s Pro-Ageing Tip
“Alcohol consumption is the worst thing for the ageing process. As much as I love a martini, if you want to age better, cut down on booze in your thirties.”
In Your 40s
If You Use One Product, Make It: Hyaluronic Acid
Hormonal changes in this decade can affect your skin’s oil production, which can make it look drier and less than healthy. “Add in more moisturising products to fortify your skin with hydration,” says Hartman. “Hyaluronic acid will add water content. Then use a moisturiser to seal it in.”
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If You Seek out One Treatment, Try: Filler
“A little filler in the tear troughs and cheek can go a long way towards making you look more rested and rejuvenated,” explains dermatologist Dr. Evan Rieder. Even just a little bit can make you look like you had a great night’s sleep. Find a dermatologist or plastic surgeon with plenty of experience working with men.
Dr. Frank’s Pro-Ageing Tip
“People often underestimate the amount of sleep they need. Sleep regulates all the biological functions of production in the body, including collagen and other vital hormones for healthy ageing.”
In Your 50s
If You Use One Product, Make It: A Heavy-Duty Moisturiser
Collagen and oil production continue to decrease as you get older and “this is when a lot of sun damage really starts to settle”, says Hartman. “Use a moisturiser with ceramides and peptides to help.”
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If You Seek out One Treatment, Try: Spot-Fading Treatments
“Age 50 and beyond is when we start looking at correction of pigment from sun damage,” says Hartman. Intense pulsed light and broadband light treatments provided by a dermatologist can help to erase brown and red spots and broken capillaries.
Dr. Frank’s Pro-Ageing Tip
“Levels of hormones such as testosterone and progesterone decrease in our bodies over time, and this can affect our skin through loss of collagen, thinness of the skin and poor healing. Exercise is one of the primary boosters of these natural hormones.”
The Single Best Product To Use At Any Age: Sunscreen
Sun damage is a factor in all skin ageing, no matter your age or skintone. “Any sort of sun exposure can turn into skin cancer down the line, but it can also turn into sunspots and degenerate collagen, which is how you get wrinkly skin,” says Rieder. Use a broad-spectrum, high-SPF (at least 30) sunscreen every day as your last skincare step. And it’s never too late to start using it.
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If You Always Look Tired: Focus On The Eyes
Do you look tired all the time, even after a full seven hours’ kip? “It’s all about the eyes. Eye skin is unforgiving because it’s thin. Eye cream can be helpful, but it’s a small piece of the puzzle. There are four other things you can do. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can have rejuvenating effects when injected into eyelid skin. Microinjections of Botox can help smooth out wrinkles. Lasers can help break down any dark pigment. And then there’s blepharoplasty, a surgical process to remove excess skin around the eyes,” says Dr. Evan Rieder.
*Words by Garrett Munce. Additional words by Kelleigh Korevaar