While it’s true that sit-ups work your abs, in reality, most people grinding out endless reps are doing little more than improving their ability to perform sit-ups.
No, the actual test of core strength lies in your ability to transfer power throughout your entire body, while your trunk remains unwaveringly sturdy.
When we talk about rock-hard abs, we’re not necessarily talking about chiselled six-packs; we’re talking about the type of iron-wrought midsection that refuses to buckle or bend, no matter the movement’s demands you’re performing. To train this, we have to move the rest of our bodies.
The kneeling half moon takes a simple shoulder drill, then brings you to your knees (literally and perhaps idiomatically), skewing your balance and forcing your core to work overtime.
Add these to your warm-up to build unfeasibly strong abs, and healthy shoulders and establish a deep connection with your muscles and joints ahead of your workout.
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1. The kneel down
Keep your legs close together. With an overhand grip, hold a 15-25kg plate at the 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions. Start with the plate touching the floor, close to your left thigh.
2. Lift it up
Take a deep breath in and, tensing your glutes and quads, lift the plate, controlling it all of the way around to the top of your crown. Keep your core upright and tight throughout.
3. Then lower
As the plate passes around the back of your head, control its descent using the muscles of your trunk. Don’t let the plate rotate or twist your torso. Lightly touch it down close to your right thigh. Without losing tension, immediately lift it again and reverse the motion back to the other side. Keep your torso upright, rigid and facing forward throughout.
4. Now go again
Without losing tension, immediately lift it again and reverse the motion back to the other side. Keep your torso upright, rigid and facing forward throughout.
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The article originally appeared on menshealth.com.au | Written by Andrew Tracey