WARNING: Do Not Buy These Products!

by | Oct 17, 2017 | Nutrition

If you have come across any emails, Twitter and Facebook posts or websites that look like Men’s Health that direct you to a site promoting miracle weight-loss or muscle-mass products, please be aware that this is a scam!

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Some of these so-called MH products include: Nitric Muscle Max, Anabolic RX24, Testostrong, Garcinia, Purecleanse, OrganaSlim, Vimax Detox, soloria cleanse, Formlife, Secret Rainforest Combo, Pure Garcinia Ultra and Nutra-Burn10 & Nuetrim. These change every few months.

They all have one thing in common – they’re advertised as being recommended and tested by Men’s Health, and when you click on the Facebook ad on the side of your Facebook news feed, it takes you to a fake MH site (mensfitnessza.com and menshealthsg.com, these also change every few months). This website is made to look like a MH website, and claims that our staff have tested these products and either lost large amounts of weight or built more muscle.

Related: Low Weight, High Reps v Lifting Heavy: You Won’t Believe The Results For Muscle Gain

When falling for the scam, buyers are requested to purchase the products for under R300. However, either the product never arrives, or they receive only one bottle, and their credit card is then charged with another +-R1200. We are getting more and more complaints from people who have fallen for this scam, and unfortunately the banks cannot do anything about it.

Related: 6 Reasons Why You’ve Stopped Losing Weight

We don’t promote products – just hard work and a good diet.

Eat clean, train mean.

Don’t be a victim!

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