What Your Penis Is Telling You

What Your Penis Is Telling You

Ever wondered why achieving an erection is referred to as achieving an erection, as if it should come with some kind of merit badge? That’s because it is an achievement. An erection is the end result of several systems working together, a triumphant salute to...
Beat Erectile Dysfunction With A Vegan Diet

Beat Erectile Dysfunction With A Vegan Diet

Can’t keep (it) up? Yes, I’m talking about your penis, man. Time to pipe up about your problems – because it’s not hard, and you’re not alone. November marks the International Vegan Society’s official Vegan Awareness Month – that will create...
Bald Just Got Sexier

Bald Just Got Sexier

Having no hair may be a more attractive option for men considering the results from the latest study on the side effects of the hair loss drug finasteride, aka Merck’s Propecia. Just last year, sexual dysfunction was added to the drug’s label by the order...

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