Manscaping On The Rise

by | Aug 21, 2014 | Style & Grooming

Women are not the only ones to keep their bodies hair-free. According to a new survey by market research firm, Multi-Sponsor Surveys, ‘manscaping’ has become the latest trend amongst men. To have a sleek, toned and hair free body is now very popular with men.

The survey included 1172 adult males about their grooming habits. It found that a very sizeable proportion of men, 39%, report to remove body hair below the neck. This is known as ‘manscaping’ and it has seen a rise from 6% in 2005. Men who remove hair from below the neck find it to be the norm and just part of their grooming routines. By removing body hair it makes them feel and look well groomed.

The most popular tools for such a job have been reported to be razor blades both disposable and refillable. This is then followed by the electric razor. The most common part of the body that is ‘manscaped’ is the groin followed by the chest and underarms. Removal of underarm hair appears to be the latest growing trend amongst men presently.

With an increase in the removal of body hair amongst men of all ages, suggests that men are continuing to remove their hair even as they get older. This can open up new avenues in the men’s hair removal market with explosive growth over the next 10 years.

“This trend suggests the men’s hair removal market is ripe for new products to facilitate body hair removal and after-care products to soothe and enhance skin’s appearance.” Says Multi-sponsor Survey’s account executive Cherie Godbold.

Manscaping has grown in popularity but is it mandatory?

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