It’s “Hand Job Day” In Japan

by | Jul 21, 2015 | Sex & Love

Japan has done it once again, with holidays like White, Pocky, Sushi and Condom Day; but this takes the cake.

A Japanese company called Tenga, has dubbed the 21 July- “Hand Job Day”, Tenga manufactures sex toys and has launched a new sex toy called “Tengaman” or “Masturbation Warrior.”

It might not be a national holiday but this day has its own hero who might come in handy (literally). He is a mixture of the beloved Power Rangers and Kamen Rider design.

According to Kotaku:
The reason is that “masturbation” in Japanese is “onanii” (オナニー), which is a pun on 07.21 (“o” for “zero”; “na” for “seven” or “nana” in Japanese; “ni” means “two” in Japanese; and here, they’re making a pun on the long vowel mark “ー” by saying it refers to “一” or “ichi,” which means “one.”) So, “Jerk Off Day” is probably more accurate.”

In a trailer that the company released the ‘Masturbation Warrior’ attaches the product to his penis from which he receives his superpowers from. The slogan for the product is – “Original Vacuum CUP, a device that promises “the ultimate suction experience!

It’s all about the grip- this product has an hourglass shape which provides superb tautness with special valves that a ‘create virtual vacuum’ if you looking for a splendid sucking stir; giving new meaning to the saying “if you have a good hand, you do not need a partner”.

‘Tengaman’ is definitely giving ‘Mrs Palm and her 5 daughters’, a run for their money as being dealt a good hand could be trying at times so leave it up to the Japanese to lend a hand.

Tenga definitely deserves a hand for coming up with an exciting way to market their product. We want to know how will you be spending “Hand Job Day”.

Sources: Kotaku, BroBible, deathandtaxes
Alice Paulse

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