This Is The Most Important Health Check You Can Do At Home

by | Oct 18, 2018 | Health

Forget high-tech scales and complex equations: a tape measure is all you need for a fast check up.

This quick health check might make you feel proud of your healthy choices or it will motivate you to intensify your weight loss efforts, before it’s too late.

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1. Wrap a tape measure around your waist in line with your belly button. Write the figure (in cm).

2. Now pass the tape measure around the widest point at the top of your glutes and record the result.

3. Divide the first number by the second and then write it down. This number is your waist-to-hip ratio.

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Your Diagnosis
Congratulations. You have just conducted one of the most important self-tests you can do. Your waist-to-hip ratio should be 0.9 or below. Anything above that and you have a level of central abdominal obesity that puts you at higher risk of type 2 diabetes, gout, arterial disease and even cancer. Don’t panic, though. Instead, for complete peace of mind, get yourself properly tested for blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar.

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