The Ultimate Guide To Gain Muscle While Losing Fat

by | Nov 22, 2023 | Fitness, Weight-Loss

Endurance athletes worry that lifting will slow them down; lifters think cardio will make them skinny.

But both workouts can coexist – with a few simple rules, says University of Tampa exercise physiologist Dr Jacob Wilson, author of a recent concurrent-training study. If you’re looking for a way to gain muscle while losing fat these are the rules you want to follow:

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1. Train in moderation

Endurance athletes often find themselves logging countless miles, while lifters may be tempted to spend hours in the gym. However, moderation is key when pursuing concurrent training. Dr. Wilson emphasizes the importance of finding a balance to avoid overtraining, which can lead to fatigue, increased risk of injury, and hindered progress. Quality, focused workouts that allow for proper recovery are more effective than excessive, exhaustive sessions.

2. Don’t Choose Competing Exercises

Harmony between your cardio and strength routines is essential. Dr. Wilson advises selecting exercises that complement each other rather than compete for the body’s resources. For instance, if you’re engaging in a high-intensity leg workout, opt for low-impact cardio exercises that won’t overly strain the same muscle groups. This approach prevents muscle memory interference, allowing each workout to contribute positively to your overall fitness goals.


3. Skip the Long, Low-Key Cardio

Dr. Wilson advocates for the efficiency of high-intensity cardio, such as sprinting and overlong, low-intensity sessions. Short bursts of intense effort mimic the brief and intense nature of lifting, making them more compatible. Unlike prolonged, steady-state cardio, sprinting promotes leanness without compromising strength gains. This time-efficient approach aligns with the principle that the intensity and brevity of the workout are crucial factors in achieving concurrent muscle building and fat loss.

READ MORE: Rugby Legend Stefan Terblanche Shares his Cardio Workout Tips for All Ages

Your Muscle Saving Cardio Plan:

Short intervals (10 to 30 seconds) of high-intensity cycling or sprinting, for no longer than 20 minutes at a time (including rest intervals).

Looking to transform your body? Meet Coach Trevor Lagerwey. He’s put together the ultimate workout plan to get you ripped this summer. Check out his website for more information.

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