Springclean Yourself

by | Mar 3, 2012 | Style & Grooming

According to a MH survey 
a man’s good grooming habits can lead eight out of 10 women to overlook his weight gain.

Call it all goop, but that would be missing the point. Grooming products are carefully designed tools – and next to TP, they’re the most useful things in your bathroom. They soften your skin, help you smell good and keep you looking fresh. You may think all you need is that shampoo you brought home from the hotel, but we guarantee there’s a woman near you who disagrees.That’s why we prepare our annual roundup of the best new products. We also asked hundreds of readers and trusted grooming experts to tell us about their favourite products and included their selections along with ours. Pick out a few and try them. You’ll be hooked.

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